House Rules, Safety and t&c
House Rules and Safety
Self-catering bookings
We may have provided you with once-off complimentary soaps, toilet paper or kitchen supplies for your check-in. Please refill them as needed.
Housekeeping note
Linen and towels will be washed once a week when housekeeping is cleaning your room.
Our staff work with us for over 15 years and we trust them with our own belongings, however it is common practice to lock away valuables when you are not in the room.
Housekeeping request
Please use WhatsApp group to log any housekeeping or maintenance requests that we will invite you to. Please don’t make any direct arrangements with our staff.
Safety terms & conditions
Due to the thatch, there are certain extra security measures necessary:
There is a Fire extinguisher in your unit. Please familiarize yourself with it so you know how to use it in case of a fire. Strictly no braais, open fires or smoking is permitted on the property.
We live in a safe, boomed off neighborhood. We have an excellent security provider “Papamani” who is very fast at responding should there ever be trouble. However, please agree to the following for continued safety on the premises.
In the event of loss of keys or remotes that belong to Idwala, you shall inform us immediately for us to take the necessary security measures and agree to pay R1500 per keys/remotes that are lost or not returned to Idwala on check-out.
Gate / Visitors
Never open the gate for anybody you do not expect or personally know. If anybody claims to bring a delivery or to be a worker or inspector that needs access, do not let them in, but ask them to call the owners. Do not give out the owners’ telephone numbers. We will not open for anybody on your behalf either as the same principal applies.
When you enter or exit the property always ensure that the gate is fully closed. In some instances, a leave might block the sensor and the gate might not close.
Private property
Half of Idwala’s property is fenced off and private property. You may not enter that part of the property.
There are big dogs on the private part of the property. They are friendly if they know you and that you belong on the property. While we take all precautions to keep them locked up at the other part of the property, if they feel that their family is threatened, they become very protective and might not be able to be controlled. Please do not tease them, approach them and ensure no strangers will be exposed to them.
Security numbers:
In case of fire please call Fire Ops 083 622 6026 (we have signed up with them as private fire fighters) – just give them the address 11-13 Garrick Road, Darrenwood.
Papamani Security: main number: 011 7820197.
Alternatives (should main number not work) 011 8880271 or 078 914 7640.
Log in: Idwala_Guest
Password: Welcome2Idwala!
After loadshedding it might take a few minutes for the wifi to come back. If it is not back 20 min after power was restored, please WhatsApp us on the housekeeping group.
Please download the app EskomSEPush and add Darrenwood (16) to receive alerts when there will be loadshedding at Idwala. Unfortunately we don’t have a power back up yet.
Other conditions of residence and indemnity:
You, by signing this document, warrant that you are duly authorized to bind your principal to these conditions of the booking/residence and visit of the premises and indemnity and acknowledge that notwithstanding any charge instruction you are personally liable for all amounts arising out of the residence / accommodation at Idwala Guest House Pty (Ltd) “Idwala” of your and your accompanying party.
You and your accompanying party acknowledge, that it is condition of occupation of your room or apartment, that Idwala shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any property or personal effects brought onto the premises howsoever arising (whether from fire, theft or otherwise) and irrespective of whether such loss or damage is caused by negligence (gross or otherwise) on part of the lodge and its staff.
You and your accompanying party hereby waive all claims of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising which they may have against Idwala Guest House its management, staff and pets and irrespectively of negligence (gross or otherwise) on the part of those herby indemnified.
The guest and all members of accompanying party indemnity and hold harmless Idwala, its owners, management and staff against all claims of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused made by your spouse, children or dependents, whether minor or adult, arising out of any bodily injury, death of loss or damage to property and irrespective of negligence (gross or otherwise) on the part of those hereby indemnified.
In the event of bodily injury or death Idwala may at its discretion, and without admission of liability, arrange to pay for emergency medical treatment for and on behalf of any guest.
In the event of los of keys or remotes that belong to Idwala, you shall inform us immediately and agree to pay R1500 per keys/remotes that are lost or not returned to Idwala on check-out.
You confirm finally for yourself and for all other person referred to in this document, or any annexure thereto, irrespective of whether he/she occupy rooms on the premises or not, that he/she shall be deemed to contract with Idwala on this basis.